Drum Replacer, out of syn

Captain Whisky

New member
So I'm trying to replace my kick on the drums, going through the usual process and it works. But as you zoom in on the kicks further up, it's not exactly dead on and it seems to vary. I've tried doing replacing it in stages rather than replacing the whole region but it still seems to shift some. I mean it's not drastic but why does it do this? If it's getting the first one right, why are the rest not the same?

Is it possible there's a "humanize" switch on somewhere? Some software has a quantization pattern that will vary by small amounts the performance to make it sound "more human".
Don't know what software you're using, so it's hard to guess, but that would be my first try considering you seem to indicate that some are late and some are early...
Welcome to the world of Drum Replacement. No trigger software seems to smart enough to understand where the actual drum hit lies (different velocity hits have different waveforms resulting in uneven triggering). That's why I usually place the samples in place by hand, hit by hit. This one of the reasons the big name mixing engineers have assistants for. So they don't have do it by themselves :D