drum recordin tascam ps5


New member
i tried a computer based drum machine (reason 2.5) its pretty cool but i have no idea how to insert rolls that i want.
the drums sounds are cool but i cant do rolls or mesh and that kinda stuff.
My plans are:
1 - get a cheap drumset (5 pieces) or go to a studio and use theirs
2 - get a Tascam pocket studio 5 (it has 4 tracks i think)
3 - get a mixer

if i do this i can record my guitars and vocals right too right?
and transfer it to PC and put em all together via a program

help me out man..are the mics the only way i can record real drums?

so like for each mic on the drums (one for snare one for tom etc..)

each mic goes into one track on the Tascam?

or do i have to get a mixer and connect the mics to the mixer tracks and the mixer to the tascam to record the drums?
help me out man
