Drum Programming


New member
Hey all. Newbie to computer recording here. I just got Sonar Home Studio and a Tascam US-122 USB interface. Recording Audio seems to work great, with a guitar or mic, however editing MIDI drums I get no sound. However if I play the sample files I can hear sound. Any thoughts?
What do you mean by sample files?
You have to get your sounds from somewhere, they are not there automatically. If you don't have a sampler or instrument of some kind there for the midi to trigger, you won't get any sound. Do you have this all set up and still no sound?
Don't forget to read the manual on using MIDI! ;)
I had downloaded the sample version of Sonar prior to buying the full version. With the sample version I could use a midi track and the Piano Roll view to create drum sounds. After installing the full version, I get no sound.
By sample files, I mean the "examples", tutuorial files etc.
Youi need both an audio track and a midi track to play a Virtual instrument.

The midi track is in esscense the piano roll.

The audio track is for the virtual instrument or input of an external instrument.

Chances are the sample song has an instance of the Built in Roland synth making the sounds as the virtual instrument.

Also if you want to hear yourself playing,you need to enable input monitoring.

You really need to read the manual,it'll get you going a lot quicker than posting back and forth.
...and if you use DXi synth, make sure you run the audio engine. It usualy turned on automaticaly, but sometime it stoped by some case, then you need to push the audio engine button yourself :)
