Drum Overheads...


New member
Ok, well Ive done a few searches already and i cant find an answer. Im looking for some decent-priced overhead mics to mic up a drum kit. Something within the range of AU$300 - AU$400 each, thats about US$350 - US$450 each. I have ZERO idea where to start with overheads, I have my kick sorted (D112), toms (E606's), Snare n hats (57's), but when it comes to overheads im LOST. Please can u guys help me out with this.
I would say a pair of condensors (be it large or small diaphragm) would be the overwhelming choice of most folks. I personally like an LDC for overheads. There are 100 options out there in that price range... Studio Projects, Rode, Oktava, Samson..... With SDCs especially, you can find pretty durned reasonable quality for not so much cashola.
Edit: any one know how to put in the phase inverse symbol? (for the o in Rode) google seems to recognize it when you type in rode!
Make sure the num lock key is on.
Hold down the alt key and use the keypad to enter 0216 0r 0248. Release the alt key.

Alt 0216 = Ø (CAP)
Alt 0248 = ø (lower case)

That lets you type: Røde correctly.

that's what i use for overheads and i love em
there also good for acoustic guitar and certain vocal applications

snare = sm57
kick = beta 52
overheads = nt5's
room mic = ma200
toms are load enough in the overheads & room mic

that's what i use for overheads and i love em
there also good for acoustic guitar and certain vocal applications

snare = sm57
kick = beta 52
overheads = nt5's
room mic = ma200
toms are load enough in the overheads & room mic

Mike were you looking in my window last weekend when I did some drum tracking? Your setup is exactly what we ended up going for (minus the room mic). First time in ages a sm57 sounded better to me than an Audix I5 on snare...

I have three sets of mics that have each been my main overheads at some point, but the NT5s have been the go-to's for about 2 years and the JM27s and the Audix F15s are just collecting dust...
sm81's would fall into your price range, and are widely considered industry-standard microphones on a number of sources

they also smoke the NT5's on OH's, IMHO
Awesome, thanks everyone for teh responses. Seems the way to go is with either a pair of NT5's or a pair of SM81's. Any clear differences in the sounds of these two mics? Im gonna be recording mainly rock typa stuff, some sorta heavier prog-rock-metal etc. Mainly heavier tunes, but mot full on metal heavy.
I have NT5's and those work pretty well, however I have to say my AT4050 sounds great as an overhead, but I only have one, but it works great for a mono overhead. If you can get a stereo pair of 4050's you won't regret it.
Jeroth, one thing that often times gets overlooked, especially when talking about mics used more than a few inches away from the sound source, is the room you'll be recording in. While NT5's give me the sound I like in the room where I record drums, they might suck in your room. The same is undoubtedly true for Ironklad's feelings on the SM81.

My take on all things equipment: I spent the first 10 years of my recording "career" understanding and buying equipment. But seldom did a new gadget revolutionize the sound I was getting. In the past few years a vast majority of my time and money has gone into acoustic treatments and trying new ways to make a room/instrument sound better.

Take a guess which approach has improved the quality of my work the most...
Good advice on the room being a priority. There is a point of diminishing return that can only be alleviated by dealing with inconsistancies in the environment.

That being said, while I also really like the NT5's, the SM81's are the next step up in sonic nirvana. And they sound great on almost anything. As the center or 'M' mic in an M/S setup its great. They simply sound BIG.

Someone mentioned the AT4033 as an overhead mic....I agree 100%. Its another mic that is found by the barrelful in many studios. Why? Because they work so well for so many things.

If you had to fill up 18 inputs and had an orchestra to record, you could do it quite well with 6 SM81s, 6 AT4033s , and 6 SM57s.
Awesome, thanks everyone for teh responses. Seems the way to go is with either a pair of NT5's or a pair of SM81's. Any clear differences in the sounds of these two mics? Im gonna be recording mainly rock typa stuff, some sorta heavier prog-rock-metal etc. Mainly heavier tunes, but mot full on metal heavy.

i would say there's definitely a clear difference. don't get me wrong, i like the NT5's, and have used them on OH's before and liked the results, but the 81's seem to find that perfect niche of being crisp and tight, but without being too harsh or strident - the NT5's, OTOH, are a much more "neutral" sounding mic, and i like using them on things that may seem overly bright with the 81's

it also helps a lot that 81's have the lo-cut and pad, especially when using for OH's
Excellent point Cavedog101. The diminishing return factor is something that is easy to overlook when gear lust sets in.

That being said, I feel the early stages of gear lust myself as I think about my NT5s... and perhaps a new pair of 81's. :rolleyes: