Drum overheads/vocal mics---under $200


New member
This is my first post here and let me say THANK YOU to all that have contributed to the site. Wow, the archives are mind boggleing. :D

OK, here is my situation. I only have $200 to spend on a couple of mics for a complete recording session this weekend. (5 song demo) Its my sons Punk/hardcore band with a growling/screaming male singer. This is what I have...

Lexicon Omega/Cubase (2 "silver" preamps and 48v)
(1) SM57
(2) SM58s
(1) Beyer M88

For drums I'll use the SM57 on snare and the M88 on kick. I will need to BUY overheads for the kit. I also want someting that I could record VOCALS with incase the M88 or SM58 don't sound right.

I've been reading this website for the past week and based on the posts, I have come up with the following...

MXL 2003/603 combo set for $169- I figure that I would point the 603 towards the hi-hat side of the drums and the 2003 towards the toms. Then if needed, I could try the 2003 on vocals.


(2) Studio Projects B1s @ $99 ea. Stereo overheads for the drums and maybe try the M88 & B1 on vocals. (i can try to blend the 2 mikes...right? :confused: )

or ;)

get an SP B3 or CAD M179 and go mono on the drum overheads.

Any input or other suggestions are GREATLY appreciated!

Remember $200 is my limit for mics..unless one of you fine gentlemen would like to give me a few hunderd $$$? :D
Frank, we've tried over 100 mics on OH's. In that price range I'd recommend a pair of Studio Projects B1's or Oktava MK319's. As a plus the B1 is also excellent on guitar cabs. And later on if you ever get other OH mics, the B1's are killer tom mics.
OK, thanks guys. I'll assume that using 2 different mics as overheads isn't a good idea. :rolleyes: Also that stereo is better then mono.

In that case Ill go with the SP B1s.

Now, can I record vocals on 2 or 3 tracks using 2 or 3 mics at the same time? (re; an M88 and B1 positioned closely together behind a pop screen.) Then blend or use either track? :confused:
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Does anybody else know if they sell pairs of them for cheaper? Maybe with free shockmounts or pop filters or something.
I've found there is a dealer on eBay who sells the SP B1's with a $99 BIN with a shockmount and a mic stand. I can't remember his name but I am sure a few are listed now. I bought one from him, it was a really good deal.
don't neglect the sm57 (a little more "open" sounding than a 58) as your vocal mic. my bands old singer was a "growling/screaming male singer" and the 57 was on the money, well and truly better than the b1 in this application. the b1 is an excellent mic for everything else, in fact its my fave on bass cabs.

I just did a trade for a pair of SM81s and a beta 52a!

I can't beleive that Im going to own a pair of SM81s! :D

THANKS for the advice gentlemen. I'll certainly let you know how these work out. ;)
patlang12 said:
what did you trade for the sm81's?

I could tell you but then I would have to kill you. :p

It was something totally NOT music related. ;)

I got the SM81s and Beta52 yesterday and did a quick drum mix and some classical guitar work. They are very nice and SUPER flat. No "extra" sizzle or peaks.

Now that I didn't have to lay out and cash for the OHs, I can spend a little more on a vocal/guitar amp mic! :D Maybe an AT4040 or NT1a or....damn, this stuff will never end, will it! :rolleyes: