Drum options


New member
I don't know much at all about MIDI. But I bought a drum loops DVD from SoniVox called Steel Core, and I am completely disappointed with it. The transitions from one loop to the next are awful. They are Acidized and they don't even loop smoothly (which is what I think Acidize is supposed to do...) At least it was $30, and not the $60 I was going to spend on Chocolate Sticks.

But I think MIDI might be my answer.

So, my question.....

Are there drum loop type things I can get in Midi? Were I just add my sounds to them? I seen some YouTube video of Ocean Way, but that guy is playing the drums on the keyboard controller, and I don't play drums, nor do I pretend to, so I don't want to have to key in my beats via keyboard. They will all end up kick kick snare. I would like to be able to edit the beats though. Toss in cymbals or drop the beat. Maybe key in my own drum roll here or there. I don't know this very well so I need somewhere to start.

I don't own a keyboard, but I would be willing to buy one. But again, if possible I would like to start with loops or whatever the midi world calls them to see if it is my cup of tea.

But more to my lack of knowledge on MIDI....if these exist...then they would just be recorded keystrokes, and thus, I can remove or add "keystrokes" without ruining the sound...like removing a kick without destroying a still ringing snare.

Anyways, please point me into the right direction. I am currently using Reaper for whats it worth.
Plenty of drum software exists. Most popular are EZDrummer, Addictive Drums, and BFD.

With good midi editing (I use reaper for it), you can really get some good sounds out of it. They all come with MIDI loops, and you can remove individual notes, generate multitrack outputs (separate channels for kick, snare, etc.), and a wealth of other very realistic (or unrealistic if you'd like) options.

www.toontrack.com (superior drummer, EZDrummer)
www.xlnaudio.com (Addictive Drums)
www.fxpansion.com (BFD)

I'm sure others will sound off with other options that I haven't tried/heard of.
Thanks. After skimming over the hat-hat thread, and having watched the Ocean Way Drums videos, do any of the mentioned programs (EZ, Addictive, BFD2) offer the mapping where an open hi-hat hit will cut off when using the closed hi-hat key?

I am just guessing that would be a large step in "natural" sounding drums.