Drum n Bass

Eureka...the beat was intime...then went a bit squewiff during the break ;)

much better than your other beats...loved the initial synth...an auto filter would maybe bring a little dimension to to the other main synths sound..but you are getting there dude
this is a huge improvement, tempo/timing wise, over your previous beats. i really like your style, you have a future in this. i've always liked your concepts, only thing that bothered and prevented me from enjoying your tracks were the tempo issues. now that it looks like you figured it out, i'm actually looking forward to your stuff.

i like the style. good work.
sounds fine.

sounds like day i filled my eyelids full of thumbtacks and powdered laundry detergent.

Nice improvement.

Good job.
Yeah, this is a lot better timing-wise than the previous two. I'm guessing you've settled on a different method for creating the percussion sounds?
wow...the difference is night and day between your other jams.

sounds good, maybe a bit on the cool side if that makes any sense at all. i think you're getting the hang of this.