Drum maps in Cubase SX


New member
Hey All

I'm having trouble figuring out what the hell I'm doing wrong with drum maps in SX.

I'll program a beat on midi track 1, then I want to add some djembe's or something on midi track 2 and I want to use a different map with different sounds/drums, so I load the "ethnic" map, but I still have the same standard drums coming up. I can see the the map has loaded with all kinds of different drums on the left of the midi drum editor but I still have the same standard shit.

Any help would be great, I've been using cubase for ages I've just never had the need to get into midi until now,
If I have understood your question well, I will suggest you to check your MIDI output and the Channels in the Inspector.
It seems you loaded the right drum map, but you get the wrong sounds.