Drum mapping inquiry

lost studios

New member
Hello all.
We are setting up a preproduction rig running Sonar 2.0 on an Athlon based system. I want to exclusively use our Roland TD-10 drumbrain w/ a V-Session kit for tracking drums via MIDI. I have been doing it successfully so far in the Piano Roll view. When I finish a recording a MIDI drum performance, I edit it (quantize to click, veloctiy editing, etc) in the piano roll view. When I finish the track, I output the MIDI signal back to the drum brain and record the anolog output of each drum separately from the TD-10 into a tube pre, then to a A/D converter (S/PDIF), then back into the project as an audio file.

Is this an an appropriate method of tracking/editing in Sonar 2.0 via MIDI? How does this drum mapping feature work? If I used it, would the editing still be done in the piano roll view? I just want to be sure I'm not missing a simpler way of working w/ MIDI drums in Sonar.

One final question... Is there a way to arrange the drum samples I'm using off the TD-10 in the piano roll view so they are in an order that I want instead of spread out accross the board? It makes editing a pain. I would like the kick, snare, snare rim, hi-hat closed, hi-hat open, foot cont., tom1, tom2, etc. ect. all in order. How would I do this? I assume I would have to set this up within Sonar as well as the drum brain correct?

thanks for any insight