Drum Machine


New member
I am looking to get something fairly basic that I could lay down some decent drum beats with. I do some recording for myself, but as I am looking to send things off, I would like to give a more full feel to the song than just me and my guitar with some occasional bass as well. What is folk's experience with drum machines (or even software) that wouldn't be too expensive for baisc drum beats.

Alesis SR-16. Decent sounds and easy to program. You can probably fine one used for a good price.
The sr-16 is a classic drum machine and will likely serve you well for tracking demos. Software options are many. On the less expensive end of the spectrum, there are programs like Fruity Loops, which is fairly easy to use. I have a program called Drumsite that lets me program beats and it came with some decent sounding samples. More expensive ones, like Drumkit From Hell are quite popular. Many recording software programs (Cubase, Sonar, etc.) also include MIDI drum programming abilities.
I use a Roland DR770. I find it covers most areas, with good acoustic and electric kits. They are easy to program to. I agree that the Alesis is definitely worth a look.
:D Yo M-Jar-E-O:}

Be sure and give the Boss 880 a listen. I just got one to replace my Boss 770.

There are 400 Plus patches and variables on the 770 and 880 and nice clear and lively sound.

I used to program drum songs but it takes a long time and now I use a patch if that will work.

I haven't messed with the 880 yet but will be plugging it in.

You can get an Alesis SR16 at a good price but it is kind of old technology.

Happy Memorial Day
Green Hornet
I have a BOSS (Roland) DR-660 drum machine. Nice and easy to use, decent sounds, and I believe they can be found for pretty cheap on Ye Ol' eBay.
Sorry for the SPAM, but if you're interested I'll sell you my old Alesis SR-16. It's served me well, and I don't use it only because I switched to a software drum machine so I could mix entirely in-the-box. PM me if you're interested.