Drum Machine recommendations anyone?

B.L. Zeebub

New member
In the event that I am able to purchase a drum machine along with my synth, I would like to know what everyone here uses and recommends.

The two that I am looking at are the Alesis SR-16 because of its price, and the Boss DR-770 becuase of the good reviews I have read at Harmony Central.

Should I just go ahead and spend the extra $100 bucks and get what appears to be the better unit...and *is* the Boss a better unit for a pseudotechno/quasiindustrial/post-alterna-hate-myself-and-I-wanna-die kind of thing?

Please tell me before I kill myself....Just kidding : )

Thanks again to all of you who are helping me to wade through the sea of equipment to find just what I need for the home studio.

I use the DR-770 and I love the sound I get with it. There is a pretty steep learning curve to get through because it has so much "stuff", but once you get used to it, it's great.
The only thing that I wish it had was the ability to store your own samples. If you can get by with out that and don't mind spending some time learning how to use it, I'd say go for it.
i use a SR-16 and im pretty happy with it....but the preset drum sets suck...you have to make your own...(get rid of their cheesy reverb....and set the panning controls to get a cool stereo sound)...but other than that its pretty easy

Hello BZBulbs:

The Boss 770 is about the latest technology. I also have a SR-16 and the learning curve for the 770 isn't that bad. You can quickly use the presets and there are many. Since this is my third drum machine, I understand a bit about programming; it just takes time.

Also, you should be able to communicate with Roland on the net and get additional info if you need it. There must be a drum machine chat group somewhere?

The 770 is the one to get. I paid 361.00, plus shipping at Full Compass. Call the 800 numbers and shop for the best price.

Green Hornet
I have the SR-16 too and really like it. Again the presets are really bad, but you can really create some great sounding drum patterns yourself and set it up as a song very quickly. Its easy to edit and I really like the sounds of the snares. You can probably do a lot more with the roland, but the price is pretty good for the sr-16.
Good luck.