drum isolation...

disco goda

New member
hey, i'm trying to fix the sound of my drums in my basement, where the acoustics are horrible, and i need some ideas. i'm just looking for something that can keep the sound from bouncing off the walls 300 times and still look decent, (my parents dont want eggcartons taped to the wall :) ) right now, i'm thinking some of that foam stuff off of mars music's site might do it, but just seeing what you ya'll think...thanks
Some less expensive options could be:

1. Get old curtains or old bedspeads (possibly at a Goodwill or a used clothing store)
2. Call local furniture repair stores or upholstery stores - you can sometime by sections of foam very cheap (unfortunately it is yellow)

Your parents may not like this any better than egg cartons - but its cheaper than the "professional foam".
As an afterthought two more ideas come to mind:

1. Build your own "portable" isolation walls to surround the drums (some 2"x4" boards for a frame, some plywood for the walls and some type of padding - you can even make the top half out of fiberglass sheets for visual contact.

2. Check office supply stores - I once found several used "cubicle partitions" that had been traded in by an office.
yeah, the portable isolation wall is a great idea...i could make the frames pretty easily and then just get whatever padding or fiberglass i could find to absorb the sound...thanks for the input
You may also want to either rearrange or place some sofas or any other upholsteried piece of furniture around as that helps absorb some of the sounds.
