Drum clip


New member
I've been dabbling in home recording for quite some time, mostly with a drum machine. Over the past year my band has acquired some recording gear and we're just now starting to use it. I've been lurking on this site for quite some time and have been reading suggestions etc. Anyways, heres what we've come up with so far, (excuse the painful drumming):

The bass drum is heavily padded, but I"m thinking it'll have a lot more of an "airy" sound if it's removed. I've eq'd it a little bit, and these toms are using the Evans hydraulic skins btw if anyone wanted to know how they sound. Any thoughts/suggestions would be much appreciated!

Recorded using Aardvark q10, 3 sm57s (toms/snare) beta 52 and 3 sm58s(overheads/hi-hat).

Thanks !

PS oh yeah, no fx are applied, except a little EQ. high on snare, low on bass, mid cut on toms
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I tend to go the opposite route, but that's just me. I like absolutely NO muffling using straight ambassador heads. Like you I use no EQ, save for the bass drum, where I boost the attack at 4khz. I also like a bit o' reverb. Just a tinge!

(this is a level test, so forgive the drumming as well.)

For the style of drumming your doing, dampening works well for the kicks. You may have a bit to much, though. They're kinda cardboard-y. Just a pillow should suffice.

With hydraulics on toms, you shouldn't need any muffling. I have no complaints about the tom sound.

Are you dampening the snare? It sounds a little choked. A new head would sound great!

Ride cymbal sounds thick and heavy.

You really need condensers for overheads. It makes all the difference!

Pretty good, though! A little tweeking will make it great!
jmorris said:
I like your drum sound a lot! Maybe a little much reverb for me. Is than kick using the Yamaha subkick?

It seems like alot of reverb, but when you add other instruments it soaks up the reverb and the drums almost sound dry. I've always been a bit of a reverbaholic, though. I used to add so much they sounded like thunder! The bass drum sounds like it has reverb. It doesn't. The only muffling is a small shop towel rolled up and taped to the shell so that it barely touches the head.

I made the sub kick myself. Its just an 8" woofer with an XLR cable attached on a desktop stand. The polarity is the reverse of the speakers markings. You add it to your main kick mic at about 1/6 the level. It just adds the rumble.
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Philgood said:
I tend to go the opposite route, but that's just me. I like absolutely NO muffling using straight ambassador heads. Like you I use no EQ, save for the bass drum, where I boost the attack at 4khz. I also like a bit o' reverb. Just a tinge!

(this is a level test, so forgive the drumming as well.)

For the style of drumming your doing, dampening works well for the kicks. You may have a bit to much, though. They're kinda cardboard-y. Just a pillow should suffice.

With hydraulics on toms, you shouldn't need any muffling. I have no complaints about the tom sound.

Are you dampening the snare? It sounds a little choked. A new head would sound great!

Ride cymbal sounds thick and heavy.

You really need condensers for overheads. It makes all the difference!

Pretty good, though! A little tweeking will make it great!
What kind of cymbals are those? I like how it almost sounds delayed, how it builds up.
They're all sorts of Paistes. Lots of mediums.

BTW, I don't think we should hijack this guys thread. He wants advice, so belly up to the bar and order a beer. Let's give the guy some Q. and A. ;)

Hoyton, you still there man?
Haha thanks phil,

well i added some compression and eqd a bunch of high in and added reverb. I think it sounds a little better. you can check it out on the above link.
I thought it sounded pretty good Hoyton, but maybe a little to much junk inside the kick drum and not enough on the snare! I would suggest one of those moongel pads on the edge of the snare head (cut in half it it kills the sound too much!) to control the ring a little. The toms sounded good but they all sounded like floor toms! Try tuning the smallest tom up a little (tip: tighten the bottom head ;))

The drumming wasn't half bad either! Just needs to be tightened up a little and leave that double pedal alone occasionally!

thanks for the tips!

as for the moongel pad, would something like tape have a similiar effect?

Hoyton said:
Haha thanks phil,

well i added some compression and eqd a bunch of high in and added reverb. I think it sounds a little better. you can check it out on the above link.

Dude! That sounds MUCH better!!!