Drum and Bass Softsynths


New member
What would you guys suggest I use for realistic bass and drum sounds? I don't have a midi controller yet, but plan on getting a CME UF6. This would be my first soft synth purchase, and my music style is mainly rock/blues. Price is an issue, so the cheaper the better, but it's always nice if it actually sounds good too. (also, am I correct in calling this a soft synth?)

Well, the only softsynth I have ever used is DFHS. It is not cheap, but sounds good. I also have some wav samples to build loops out of. Takes some time, but works. What kind of budget?
Well, technically what you're looking for is a sampler. You can either get one of those libraries that come with their own sample player, or you can just get a standalone sampler and get sample libraries.

Personally when it comes for acoustic drum sounds I just use Native Instruments Battery drum sampler and load NSKIT samples into it (you can download NSKIT from www.nskit.com). Also, Battery comes with a sizable library of its own.

For bass, you might want to give Spectrasonics Trilogy or Broomstick a try.
Here's another with the NSK in SFZ and some bass with the VB1 vsti (free), then the 4front vsti (free).


4front does'nt sound too bad, especially for free. You'll have to forgive my cheesy bass line. I know even less about bass than drums. :D

If you mixed it properly in a full blown tune, I think the 4front might pass as a bass guitar.

Also, you should know that any ol' keyboard with midi out will work fine for this stuff..........even an old 1980 casio from a garage sale for $5.