Drum and Bass beat

It's alright. I think that you have to blow it out of the water with an electronic track for me to be really impressed. I hope you take this constructively, it sounded like you had an ableton project or a frooty loops session open and you were going to town, not thinking about meter and time signature change, being over repetitive, or not really having a dynamic to the song. Little things that should set you apart just weren't there. I felt like you have a decent beat and you put some synth sounds that are pretty cool over it, and then drop out the beat one good time in the mix to stir things up a bit, but not much more after that. I am saying I want you to stir it up a lot a bit. When I am expecting the music to be over the top energy wise, drop it out, when I want it to get low, drive it hard. Change the time signature, if only for a measure or two, just to play with my ears. When making electronic music, I believe that you need to be creative in a different way, and try to stray from the stardard approach to writing a song. I dont make techno or electronic music, so this is from a listeners stand point only. By the end of the 5 min I felt like it was 2 min too long and way too drawn out. I can't hate on the sounds though, loved the synths and beats, except the snare, it sounded too generic to me. Maybe it was a bit too loud also. Well done as a mix, keep working on the arrangement. Listen to more Sound Tribe Sector Nine, esspecially their new studio album, Peaceblaster. Sounds exactly what you are going for.