Dropouts in Playback


New member
I've just given Cool Edit a pro..being a Sonar man for a while now. I'm having probs already though. I've only got like 3 tracks and it plays for about 10secs and dropouts. There are no effects on the tracks either. I have a fast computer, lots of ram and a Audiophile sound card. Any hints on how to get it to actually playback?

Is it dropping out or skipping or lagging when your press play?

In Multitrack Go to VIEW-->SHOW LOAD METER and see if it's very high.

It could be a hardware conflict. You dont wanna have any of your main hardware (eg.soundcard,cd-rom,videocard) sharing IRQ's with each other or other hardware. They need to have their own IRQ as they need all the bandwidth possible.

Is it dropping out in SONAR?

Thanks for the tips man...i figured it out! I am a newb! I discovered the 'play to end' button..i was just pushing play and i think it only went to a marker or something...now it goes all the time. All good. A few things to get used to in comparison to Sonar though :)