Drop Out proplems again


New member
Iam using cakewalk pro audio 9
my computer is not bad
CPU 600 with 128 RAM , 30 G Hard Disk
I always got drop out mesgs, when I start to record more then 21 wave audio tracks,
This is an important work and I always lose it.
what Can I do with my computer or with the options???
Thankx everybody
It is possible that you have reached the point where drop outs become normal. There may be some optimizations for windows that may help you but if the situation is critical time-wise I would archive some tracks or bounce them after saving the original. Also what other programs are you running? When using soft synths cpu use can really increase. Finally I have had serious problems with hard drives. you might run some specs and compare them to what others are getting on similar systems.
you mentioned having a 30g hard drive. is this your audio drive or your only drive?

most DAW users have 2 drives: 1 for storing the applications (cakewalk, sekd, antares, dsp-fx, etc...) and 1 for storing the audio. I have 3 drives. 1 application drive and 2 RAID 0 audio drives.
i think that last comment was directed at Hashoma

i've got 640mb of ram.

having said that, i do agree 128m of ram may not be enough. in addition, to the increase in ram, use 2 hard drives.
hopefully you have a fast HD 7200 and also you need to optimize your system, close all other apps, no virus junk on it, get 256 ram, and mimimize all cpu overworking where possible (effects, etc.) Also if youre lucky enough to get a real knowledgable tech when you call Cakewalk they can walk you through buffer optimization, and other little tricks!! Good luck. I'm convinced that drop outs are a fact of life with digital and we can only learn to mimimize them - so save your file tweaks constantly by clicking SAVE so if there is a drop out you wont have to do it all again! D