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I midi recorded a simple kick part into a track which is 1 bar 4 beats long. However, when I copy to several bars, it eventually becomes misaligned with the bars, it appears to loose time.. Any ideas?


You had the "snap" function off. That way, when you cut a waveform, it doesn't cut at the end of a beat or bar, wherever you you click, meaning that even if you are very precise, eventually, you will get timing errors. Learn to always use the snap function when making samples to copy/paste.

What you could do to fix this problem with the sample you've already got is 2 things:
Zoom in really, really far, turn snap on, and clip off anything that if beyond the bar. If the waveform ends before it has reached the end of the bar, use the Draw tool to draw a silence until past the end of the bar, clip it off at the end (using snap, as alway) and glue the silence to the sample.

I'd retrack it, and use snap this time ;) It is the symbol near the right-middle of the top of the screen looking like this: >|<
Many Thanks...

That was the problem! I retracked and can now use the repeat feature without issue. I've been using a Kawai Q-80, so Cubase SL on a computer is a big adjustment. So far I love it and this really gets me over a frustrating hump. I really appreciate your help, please ask me some music theory questions or whatever, I owe you one...