Dreamy rock instrumental (some call it porn music?)


Updated Link - If this doesn't work, then I have done something unknown to offend the internet gods
Well, a friend and I are working on getting a new project going and threw the beginnings of a song together using Fruityloops, Guitar Rig, and some VSTis. There are timing issues in the pseudo-bass (ahem, pitch-shifted guitar), and in some of the guitar work, since I only played the part for about 5 minutes until, in my overtired stupor, I decided to record it. So apologies for anything off that you hear. I'd like to just get some feedback on if you think we're going in the right direction, what you really like, what you hate, what you think should come next in the song, etc.. We're aiming towards a Codeseven/M83-esque project (and are actually trying to get the ex-singer of Codeseven to sing for us), so keep that in mind. Anyway, I'd appreciate input!
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The hell? It was working yesterday! Sigh. Not cool, internet. Not cool.

Edit: Reuploaded and tested working. If this gets deleted then I will take it as a sign.