dream disorder - acoustic

I always have problems downloading mp3's from Soundclick for some strange reason, but the stream sounded really nice. Damned nice top end on the gits.

I'd get more detailed, but this was just nice to listen to. Is there a lexicon in/on there anywhere? Nice chops man.
See this is the kind of stuff that leaves me asking... how the hell did he record this. Sounds pretty good, your skill is a big part of this though. The delay is pretty wicked, fits this perfectly. If you threw some kind of light vocals in the back even as ambience in some parts, that could make this song... back to the guitaring... quite smooth, very low strings talk which is nice for this piece. Good stuff dude, very impressed.
Very good playing and recording. Kind of reminds me of Al DiMiola from orange and blue.

Jeff Patterson
thanks for the comments,

Chris Harris, no lexicon, I don't even know what that is, just acoustic guitars, bounced tracks with delay and reverb. It all done on a Tascam 788.

Packratlouie, thanks for listening and the kind words, I'm not sure what more I'm going to do to this, but its all fun!

Kranak, glad you enjoyed it.