drawing volume levels


New member
I am using a legal copy of Cubase VST 5.1. I want to use the pencil tool and edit the volume level for individual audio tracks using the pencil tool. I can do this on the midi tracks in the edit window, but I can't seem to figure it out for audio.

I've looked in the manual, but I uess I don't know what key words to use for the index, because I'm not having any luck. Any help is appreciated.
Doubleclick on the audio track to open it in the audio editor.
In the Audio editor, click the View pop-up menu on the toolbar and make sure that Dynamic Events is ticked. With this option enabled, audio events should appear as though split in half horizontally, with the waveform displayed in the top half and the dynamic events in the bottom half.
The pop-up menu next to the Edit Solo button shows the type of dynamic events currently being displayed in the Audio editor. If this doesn't indicate volume, click the pop-up menu and select Volume so that the dynamic events for volume will be shown in the Audio editor.
You can now move the volume up and down with the pencil.