DR-770 vs DR-660


New member
DR-770 vs DR-670

I am in the market for a first time drum machine for a meager home studio, musical style: trip -> hip-hop. After much googling and forum-lurking I have narrowed my choices down to a used Boss DR-770 or DR-670. I plan on using software to ultimately capture the rhythms, so I am looking for the drum machine to act mainly as a midi controller for Redrum as well as controlling soft-samplers. At first I was looking at a pure midi controller like m-audio’s Trigger Finger, however I would like to have a more creative outlet to use away from the computer; more of a ‘noodle around’ piece of equipment.

Can any kind souls offer their 2cents on these devices? It seems that both have pretty much the same sounds, with the 670 having bass tracks but less outputs. In terms of velocity/expressiveness, sequencer, etc. is one better? It seems that older 770s are selling for close to the same if not more than newer 670s on eBay. Thanks in advance.
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