DR-008, DKFH, Piano Roll


New member
I rarely use the DR008, so maybe some of you guys can clear this up for me. I'm very close to getting Drumkit From Hell. It says it includes mappings for Dr-008. Now, is anyone using these? Am I going to have to totally re-write all my drumtracks in Piano Roll to take advantage of the positional (and dynamic)multisamples? Or would I be better off converting drums to separate audio tracks as is, then using Drumagog to utilize my wonderful new samples?
Also, what do you think of the DKFH sounds? From what I can tell, it should be worth my $90, but I'd like to hear some firsthhand opinions.
Owning DFH myself as well as Sonar, I decided to try it for you since it might come in handy for my own purposes. First I'll tell you that out of all the drum sounds I've heard, DFH is the most satisfying and realistic, particularily if you're doing rock and/or metal.

The good news is you won't have to entirely redo your drum tracks. All you'll need to do is zoom out on the piano roll and highlight and drag any tracks that are out of place til they match up with your map.

I think it's worth using. I used to use Drumagog alot but lately I haven't as I find the creative process using just Sonar/DR-008 to be much more streamlined, and now that I've tried DFH with it I can tell I'll have even more creative possibilities. I mean it has tons of presets, and you can always mix and match with your other sounds, and combine the close miked and room sounds by utilizing multiple DR-008 modules.
mbuster said:
Am I going to have to totally re-write all my drumtracks in Piano Roll to take advantage of the positional (and dynamic)multisamples? Or would I be better off converting drums to separate audio tracks as is, then using Drumagog to utilize my wonderful new samples?

I can't comment on the DKFH, but what I'd suggest is looking at drum maps.. it allows you to literally map a note value to a new value... just a suggestion..
