DP 32 and TIme Signatures??


New member
I have a dilemma!

For the last 5 years I have been using a Fostex VF160 (master) and Yamaha MO6 keyboard/Sequencer (slave) linked with midi clock, as the Fostex had a "Conductor track" facility, I could set time signature and tempo for every bar if I wished.

Now I replaced the Fostex with DP-32 and it turns out this doesn't have a Conductor track; Tascam advice was to sync with Yamaha MO6 as the master using MTC, but MO6 doesn't transmit MTC.

Am I missing something, but surely the DP32 is not only for songs of one time signature and one tempo; how am I to use it with songs that speed up, slow down, change from e.g. 4/4 to 3/4.

Appreciate some input on how other people use it??
Appreciate some input on how other people use it??
after i discovered that particular little feature myself (the inability to switch tempos) and combined with the fact that my DP-32 would occasionally mis-sync and transmit its midi timecode one frame late, my work with the DP-32 pretty much ground to a halt. i'm not sure there's a simple solution to the problem and Tascam are unlikely to patch it, so i just put the darn thing back in its box and bought a second AW16G instead.

imo, the DP-32 is only half a machine. i'm very disappointed in it.
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