DP-02 Static


New member
For a variety of reasons, all of them legitimate and excusable, I have not used the DP-02 for almost a year. The other day, I tried to record a short song. Track 1 was so full of static and had such a low volume on playback, that it was very difficult to hear on playback. Track 2 was similar, but not as bad. I gave up. Any ideas on the problem and any solutions?
I have the dp 02 and have not experienced this...that said if it's been unused for a year or so maybe the static is from dust build up in the faders and knobs..w/ the power off try "exercising" the faders and knobs (turning all knobs a couple of times and sliding the faders) to try and remove any dust build up and see if that works. You can also get canned air to spray into the faders to remove dust as well. hope this helps
best regards
Do you have the DP-02 or the DP-02CF? If it's the CF, I would try removing and reinserting the CF card to try to get better contact. If it's the DP-02, I'm at a bit of a loss. If you play back something you recorded before storing it, does it do the same thing?
It's a DP-02.
Yes, the static was from the very start.
Later, I'll try the turning of knobs and sliding of sliders to see if that helps.
Thanks for your ideas.
Well, that seemed to do it. I slid the knobs up and down and blew air into the various areas (compressed air canister). The DP-02 seems to working okay now. Thanks to everyone for their advice!