DP-008 how to estimate total available recording time


New member
I've posed this question to TASCAM twice. I get an auto response but never an actual reply.

I often record our live gigs, running the mixer output into input A and mic-ing the bass amp into input B. I love the quality I get with my DP-008; however, I've yet to find an accurate way to display recording time remaining OR at least estimate how many total recording minutes are available on the SD card being used at the time. I found the "remaining time" under song information but I don't understand what it means. A blank, formatted 4G card says it has 174 minutes remaining, but the same card ran out of space after 1 hour 26 minutes recording to tracks 1 and 2 (only.)

Please explain how that 174 minutes translates into usable recording time. Surely the eventual number of recorded tracks must affect how long a "song" can be.

I'd appreciate any help there is out there.
174 minutes means per track. If you record 2 tracks it would be about 87 minutes of remaining time.
One record-minute per track will need about 10 MB, two minutes about 20 MB.
10 minutes record of 2 tracks would be about 200 MB and so on.

Sorry for my english
After 2 emails to Tascam with no response for over a month......I post the question here......get a quick and accurate response from another member......and PRESTO.......I get an answer from Tascam the very next day.

Does make one wonder........