double preampage?


New member
wasnt sure exactly were to put it

i was wondering if you had a decent preamp running into a mixer with built in pres would that do anything extra?

Or if you ran the outs from the mixer to a preamp would that be like preamping all the track haha?

I know its not one of the best quetions but i dont know anything a preamps.
Your signal will only sound as good as your worst component -- so the preamp in an OK mixer will degrade the signal coming from a nice pre. If you MUST use the mixer see if you can use a channel insert to bypass the mixer's pre. BTW, which mizer and which pre? ARe you positive your outboard pre is better than the one in your mixer?

dont worry it's not that dumb a question... in fact that's th way it's done in some circles... if you look at alot of mixers you'll see they have a line in on most channells as well as the mic/xlr that's one of the uses for that line in... this would give you access to the onboard EQ for instance... and alow for submixing if you need to... now the otherside... if you stick around here for a while you'll find that in the big time they dont need no steenkin mixer... as when your useing real good pre's and converters etc ya try to get it in there just as clean as ya can .... and then you fuck with it...teehee..
I run a tube preamp into a digital/analog interface with built in preamps and it really doesnt make a big difference. I hear the warmness perfectly
it was more of a hypothetical quetion, but i have a behringer eurorack1202

so yea ill check out my mixer and see if i can bypass them and then if i can ill look into getting a good pre
myhatbroke said:
My set up is stupid?

Yea. Your "warmness" or whatever you're hearing is probably the result of that line-level signal slamming right in to your mic-level input. Have fun with the solid state distortion.

People generally do not do stuff like that to "double preamp". But, runing the signal from one unit through another is very common practice to add a certain units sonic characteristics.