don't laugh at me


New member
how would i go about recording my buddy brian and his acoustic? can i record him and play with the mix during playback
Niimo said:
how would i go about recording my buddy brian and his acoustic? can i record him and play with the mix during playback

I can help you record your buddy Steve, but I've never recorded a Brian. Sorry.
Tell us more about the "project" and what you hope to accomplish. What sort of gear will you be using.

In general terms, the answer to your question is yes. Get the very best capture possible and archive it for later manipulation (EQ, reverb or other effects as desired).
RAMI said:
I can help you record your buddy Steve, but I've never recorded a Brian. Sorry.
Damn - wish I could help, but I've recorded Carlos, Freds, and a bunch of others, but never a Steve either...! ;)
behringer mx2442a mixer, 2 akg8000 mics, mr-8 for recording i'm looking to use my buddy as a guinnea pig. never recorded before. its not really a project i just wanna know how to do it the right way
mic vox and plug it into channel 1 are you still following? if you are please continue reading. mic guitar plug it into channel 2. Ok now the tricky part. Assign channels one and two to tracks one and two. Now set the levels while hes playing and singing. Then if your capable press the record play buttons before he starts playing.

Peace :D
thanks i'll be back with the results soon. do me a favor and think up lesson plan #2
appreciate the help