Don't know what vocal equipment to buy, any suggestions?


New member
I’ve been learning to play the guitar for the last year, and I’ve written and recorded a few songs without vocals. I’m hoping that sometime in 2013 I will be ready and able to lay down some vocal tracks, but I don’t own any vocal equipment. I’m hoping you all can help figure out the right stuff to buy. From mic’s to effects, I need it all.

The style is rock with some heavier songs that aren’t quite metal. I’m currently recording with a Tascam 2488, so I can’t use plugins or anything like that. I’m hoping that whatever I buy to record can also be used to play live if it ever comes to that.

I have a few of my songs posted here if anybody would like to check them out: C_Barker's sounds on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free. I want something that can do effects and harmonies, and pitch correction in case I have to sing the songs myself (I do hope to find a real singer). I was thinking about a DigiTech Vocalist Live 3 as the vocal processor, but I’m open to any suggestions. Even if I find a singer that has his (or her) own equipment, I’d still like to have a nice setup to be able to record.

I'm hoping to keep the budget at $800 - $1,000. I don't even know if that's reasonable. I've done a lot of shopping but I don't know the difference between a good piece of equipment and a piece of crap. Any help would be appreciated!
If you want vocal effects like harmonies etc. without using plug-ins and something you can use live, then look no further than TC-Helicon. Not sure how much you are looking to spend and I'm not really familiar with all their products and price ranges, but when I saw their demos at NAMM I was really impressed.

EDITED: I realized how much my reply sounded like an advertisement, so I wanted to clarify that it's not. But if any TC-Helicon rep sees this and wants to give me free products to pimp their stuff I will gladly do so. ;)
A few months ago a friend of mine let me use his TC Helicon VoiceWorks, and it had a high pitched whine that i couldn't get rid of. It kind of scared me away from their stuff, which is why i was thinking DigiTech instead. But it was probably just operator error, because lots of people really love TC.

Thanks for the info, guys. Any suggestions on a Mic?
A mic for studio vocals, or live vocals? When you record vocals in a studio you usually use a condenser microphone, like the Sontronics STC-2. For live vocals it's more common to use a dynamic microphone, like the Shure Sm58 or the Sennheiser E-series. But that doesnt mean that you can't use a condenser mic on stage, and a dynamic mic in studio.
It's all up to you, how much money you want to spend on it, and the use you need it for.