Does Washington Owe Toyota an Apology?


New member
The more I think about this whole Toyota thing U.S. Department of Transportation Releases Results from NHTSA-NASA Study of Unintended Acceleration in Toyota Vehicles | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the more pissed off I get - and I don't even own a Toyota. After a year of trashing the company's cars, the government is just saying, "oops, my bad" and shrugging their shoulders Toyota outrage turns to shrugs - This could have happened to any car company. I know they're big corporations, but WTF?

I know I can't be the only person who feels this way Does Washington Owe Toyota an Apology? -, amirite?
I have not read the report (too late tonite, it would put me to sleep, for sure,) but I did hear a news items that said only NINE cars were tested for electronic concerns that might have caused unintended acceleration. Given such a miniscule sample size, the chance of missing something significant is pretty big. Redesigning freakin' FLOORMATS?? Looks an awful lot like diversionary tactics, to me.

And even if NHTSA did NOT miss anything, you seem to be forgetting that Toyota was CLEARED on that part of the issue. Apologize? For WHAT? Toyota got arrogant, greedy and sloppy. The company got no less than what it deserved.

FoxNews? FOXNEWS??? You have GOT to be joking.
Jesus even stevieb got this one right!

That is the Sixth Seal of the Apocolypse!!!
How quickly everybody forgets that Toyota covered up the issue for over a year and bragged in internal emails about how the delay was saving them $100million.


yeah, fuck consumer safety. What a bunch of shit.

The clueless and the outraged. What a combination.

The report stated the accidents/issues were caused by "pedal misapplication". Just couldn't bring themselves to say "driver error" but that's what it is, folks. There are few, if any, vehicles where the drivetrain can overcome the braking system and move the vehicle. See "brake stand". Certainly no Toyotas can do that.

Driver error.

I am glad to see we find another point of agreement, Csus7, but the way you started your post was out of line. If you do a search for post that you posted to, you will find at least a few that I posted to and seconded your comment. You will find none that I precluded it with a snide, personal comment. You need not accept my apology, but please, no more unwarranted personal attacks.
The clueless and the outraged. What a combination.

The report stated the accidents/issues were caused by "pedal misapplication". Just couldn't bring themselves to say "driver error" but that's what it is, folks. There are few, if any, vehicles where the drivetrain can overcome the braking system and move the vehicle. See "brake stand". Certainly no Toyotas can do that.

Driver error.


No way Lou...we can't blame the consumer. That's un-American. We have to sue the company...NOW!!!!!:mad:
Yep, pretty much what I said at the time . . . nobody wants to say that it's Granny's fault that she ran over the grandkids, but it was . . . :eek:

Preserving MSH's comments before deleting his post per his request....
um, but this is the only time.
I am glad to see we find another point of agreement, Csus7, but the way you started your post was out of line. If you do a search for post that you posted to, you will find at least a few that I posted to and seconded your comment. You will find none that I precluded it with a snide, personal comment. You need not accept my apology, but please, no more unwarranted personal attacks.

What UNWARRANTED attack???
The clueless and the outraged. What a combination.

The report stated the accidents/issues were caused by "pedal misapplication". Just couldn't bring themselves to say "driver error" but that's what it is, folks. There are few, if any, vehicles where the drivetrain can overcome the braking system and move the vehicle. See "brake stand". Certainly no Toyotas can do that.

Driver error.


It wasn't "driver error".

Toyota has publicly admitted fault with sticky accelerators and fucked-up floor mats.
Still driver error, accelerator is connected to the engine, the engine is not directly connected to the drive wheels, never heard anything about defective transmissions. Anyone keeping a head on their shoulders would throw the car into neutral, apply brakes, end of problem.
What UNWARRANTED attack???

Well, I was referring to this:
Jesus even stevieb got this one right!

It just seemed the insult was un-called for. Re-reading, I see I over-reacted, it was not as much an attack as I may have thought or described it as. I expect that sort of crap from others here (who know who they are,) but you truly seem to have a much better, more balanced sense of self, and thus no need to either self aggrandize or try to build yourself up by putting others down. We need not agree on everything (although, again, it is nice to see that we do on occasion) to respect each other.

Toyota has publicly admitted fault with sticky accelerators and fucked-up floor mats.
Was that the wording they used in their press release?:D