does the 1820m compare to the hammerfall?


New member
I'm looking for a new interface, looking for at least 8 inputs line-ins, the rest i don't really care, appart from the converters wich is my #1 concern.

So I was wondering if the e-mu 1820m wich has the same converters as the protools hardware would be better or even to the hammerfall.

I don't know yet if i'll be using the 192khz or if i'll stick to 44.1k

I really need a new sound card, i want a brakeout box with lots of inputs and inputs that will sound great with the converters.

Anyway, i was looking at the delta 1010, but i beleive there is a lot better out there for the cash.

oh yeah, i'm not limited by cash, just want something that will be worth every penny.

I've been looking at the 1820m also. The specs look really good, but I know guys that swear by the Hammerfall cards. Tough call ... I wish I could be of more help. (In my case, I'll likely just stick with my Echo Mia until I absolutely have to get more ins/outs).
Yeah i understand that.
Having a "great" audio card/interface will make you be able to wait a little longer before buying a new one. But unfortunitly, i don't have your luck, i'm currently stuck with an audigy platinum, wich, well, sucks a lot.
Anyway, i'll be looking at some more interfaces but as of yet, i'm really struggling between those two cards. The e-mu has one advantage that can not be neglected, it cost a lot less, so the extra money can be put on mics, preamps and all the other usefull stuff you need. And being 20 with a part time job makes you wish you had more cash. But i have great plans and wich to get the best my money can buy. So i'm looking into the hammerfall since it seems to be a great deal for what you get, but i'm not sure it does 192khz, not that it matters to me for know, but i'd like my card to last a long time.
Anyway, the e-mu seems to interest me more everytime i read something about it.

If anyone has something else to say, go ahead, help me out!
cash is not a problem?? then check out the lynx II.

Realistically though, i'm gonna pull the trigger on an E-mu 1820 i think. I ahve asked this question before but maybe i can be answered here. Since the E-mu has 6 line imputs and 2 xlr imputs with pres already, what external preamps would people suggest? i want to get one of those 8 preamp units (like the maudio octane) but 2 pres would get wasted due to E-mu already putting pres into two of the channels. which pres would be better to use? the ones on the e-mu or ones of an external pre?
DUDE. The Octane is an ADAT pre, so you're not wasting the pres on the 1820 box (which are VERY good pres, BTW). I've got my Behry ADAT pre attached full time, so that's 10 pres at hand before I pull out my other pres...

The thing that RME will give you that E-mu can't is a long established history of solid drivers, GSIF support, and multi-card support. RME gear is made to be modular...
I've just bought RME HDSP 9632. Installing and configuring the card was breeze, I did encounter some midi timing problem in Cubase Sx but after posting on RME forum the answer came in less than 10 minutes and now it is resolved. Support is great indeed.
It is capable od 192khz recording but I don't think I'm going to use that.
I was thinking of going with E-MU1820m with Emulator X but one pro engineer advised me to get RME HDSP 9632 instead beacause RME is a pro standard, very stable with mature drivers, great support and can be upgraded very easily.
It has only two analog inputs and no pres but since I'm thinking of getting Mytek converters and Tampa preamp in a future, this was an ideal option.
Still, I think that Emu 1820m is great solution for someone who is not willing to spend 2k$ more on mic preamp and standalone converters.
By the way, converters on HDSP 9632 sound really good, many RME users say that HDSP 9632 sounds much better than Multiface.