Does my studio suck?

de la cruz

New member
Evrybody tells me my studio needs upgrading.
I got a soundcraft 12ch mixer one boss660 drum machine one well used Miage D.S.K Rv-70
digital stereo revervb and i use cakewalk.

I've been making some good music.
What do you think?
De la Dude, this can be responded to in a number of differnt ways. Theres no doubt that any piece of gear or assembly of stuff can be "upgraded". Theres always a bigger or faster or spiffier thing out there. If you had ten million dollars to dump into making the perfect studio (note the pun guys) then I am sure you could be set for life. But the point can be summed up with your very own final post "making good music". What more is there you want then that? I imagine thats the ultimate goal of everyone here. If you can make a box of rocks shake to the twang of a rubber band and you like it, then you have success. What is it you want to change? do you feel limited? what are the goals here?