does my set up have to be centered in the room?


New member
I'm moving to a house with no room with a friend (so the space is going to be divided by half) this April. By June, I'm hoping to set up my studio.

since it's a small rectangular space, i'm planning to put my bed on one side of the rectangle and the studio desk on a corner like this:

the picture is kind of different from what I'm building though, I'm going to have another desk of the same size on the other side of the corner, making a shape like this : ┒on the corner.

I'm going to install bass traps on all corners of the rectangle, and I'm also going to put up 8 of 4'x2' acoustic panels on each side of the walls.

however, on (Studio Rescue - Episode 2 - YouTube) this video, Francis tells the person to set up his desk on the center of the room. is it really necessary? my situation makes it different for me to set it up on the center of the room though, since I need a bed in the room along with shelves and closets.
One or both audio monitors in a corner is likely the worst thing you could ever do. Not sure I understand what your changes are but symmetry between reflective walls is always ideal. Then deal with the reflections. You will never get things to sound right if one side is buried in a corner. Even if the desk is diagonal to a corner, you would then have even more uneven reflections that I couldn't even guess how to deal with.

That being said, try it and find out for yourself. The results of the most practiced and proven techniques do not mean other options are not possible. Just means most would not bother to try due to the information available. Sometimes one has to just deal with what they have. Make the best of it.