Does my music page really look THAT bad?


New member
Really, I desperately need some advice on how to look more professional. I don't have any friends in my city that know about web design and graphic design, so I've really had to do things myself. Please tell me if my page looks bad or not. What kind of stuff could it use?

Here's the link:

Here's my blog link, too if you want to be so kind and give me some tips on that also:
I think you need to change the myspace font color to something other than white... it's impossible to read it on that background.

As for the both of them... it's important when using several web-presences to have them look uniform. Take the color scheme and font styles/sizes from the myspace page and apply them to the blogspot blog. A good method for linking them all is to get a twitter account, and you should (with a little reading and googling) be able to update both your blog and your myspace at once with your mobile phone. Which is great for gigs and such.

The idea is 'branding.' Just think Starbucks or McDonalds, horrifying as that is. You don't need to actually even LOOK at either to know what it is. The brands, colors, fonts, etc. are all uniform across the globe.

There's a great book called "The Indie Band Survival Guide." It is pretty much the bible on new media marketing for indie artists. Check it out.
Like starbuck26 said, definitly change the colour of the text, people will just leave the site if they can't read the text. The background looks ok, simple 2 colour design, nothing really to distract attention away from the music.

Also just a general tip, link each site on the other somewhere, you never know how many people would read your blog and also click a link to see what your music is like.
as long as you can read it, it doean't matter
The music is the important thing

less is more, I believe