Does it Need "More"?


New member
I've been trying to put together a demo to get shop around to get some gigs booked. I'm a single, no band, just me and my guitar. I'm very partial to the non-produced, stripped down type sound, but I still need to eat so I'm wondering if I should keep tracking this tune. It sounds pretty much the way I do it live right now. Any input appreciated (and I know there are some siblance problems in a couple of spots. I figure I can clean those up later)

An old tune of mine called Sometimes Savior
Hey, I like it. I personally like listening to the stripped down acoustic sound you have here. I don't think you need more, you have enough going for the song with the louder/higher vocals for the chorus. I could see people in an audience watching somebody play this on stage... you sound like you sing and play with emotion and that's cool, people like me like that. Good job.
I agree that a natural, unprocessed sound would be right for the song. Along that line, I think the vocals are well recorded but the guitar's tone isn't working as well. How'd you record the guitar? Is it DI'd?

Since the gtr is the sole accompaniment, if it sounds rich and natural it'll have a huge impact on the overall effect.

Thanks for the feedback, it is sincerely appreciated. I just read your recording tips on mic placement Timothy, so I'm gonna try to re-record this (think I may have the mic way too close and the gain too low to compensate).
your recording tips on mic placement
Glad to help. Only difference from the web site info would be that I'd suggest the starting placement of a single close mic on a steel string to be out from the 14th fret rather than the between-soundhole-and-bridge spot for a nylon str. Good luck with it.

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I'm actually a big fan of the tune! I don't mean to sound so shocked but it's fantastic to hear something that isn't trying to be dark/goth/thrash/danish/folk! :D

A good honest song... brilliant.

Reminiscent (especially in the verses) of Nick Drake... high praise indeed!

What mic/preamp are you using on the vox. May benifit from a few extra pennies spent there. It sounds like a dynamic mic...?

Post more... I like! ;)
Reminiscent (especially in the verses) of Nick Drake
That is high praise and greatfully received.

There is no doubt that I could use some upgraded equipment. That was recorded with a $20 Peavey PVi mic jacked into the front of my Audigy 2 platinum. Mrs. Falcon (who is still some put out that her husband has decided to chuck being a computer network technician and programmer and take another stab at some music thing he did a decade ago) says I can have new equipment when I get enough gigs to pay for it. That's why I'm putting together the CD.
I understand the situation.

I pitched mine to the mrs in a different way... I started buying everything at once and claimed that I would make the money back off quality CD's - Trouble is, every penny I do get from the studio goes back into the studio to get more equipment. :D

You're obviously doing really well with the equipment that's available to you. Might be worth checking out how cheaply you could upgrade though... getting cheeper by the day.

Just keep writing. Don't get too stuck in the techie world, you've obviously found your strongest talent and good on you for it.

... oh, and keep posting the tunes, I'd love to hear more! ;)