Does Cubase Sx really do 192khz?

I didn't think it did... I don't recall sampling options higher than 96KHz in the list.... but then again it could be dynamic menu'ing based on the the soundcard...
can my config do anything above 44.1 khz?

Hey there audio dudes!! ;-) well i have a very basic setup of a
PC - Config goes something like this ..

80 GB Hard disk.
512 RAM.
DELTA 1010 LT.
Cubase SX .

Is it possible to record in 48 khz 24 bit into my comp..

coz once i remeber working on 48 khz 24 bit my computer wouldnt just go anywhere with 10 tracks up and runnin.. i kept hearing crackel when i load up even one plugin.. (Waves compressor) and where i checked out the VST Performance monitor i saw the Disk usage peaking when ever i hear the crackle sounds. is there anything that i can do?
Add a ogg hard drive with a high sustained throughput as a audio data only drive. Most all current IDE hard drives will give very satisfactory results, especially if it has an 8mb cache. Up until two days ago I was running an Athlon xp1800+ but with 1 gig of ram. I constantly ran 32 + tracks at 24 bit 44k with as many as 75 plugins and filters combined that were activated without problems. I upgraded my CPU this week since I have started running more plugs in real time that are real processor hogs. If your disk activity was going nuts, than it means you need faster disks.
Strungout Dave...

Also take a look at you buffer settings in Cubase. You may want to increase them and see if that help.