does cubase have sound replacment?


New member
basically i have 6 drum tracks (snare,kick,toms,ecc) and i want to replace the kick drum sound i have recorded with a sampled sound, now i know protools has this option but i'm not sure cubase does.

i got cubase sx 1.0 so if you could give me a hand on solving this problem,thanks.
I believe there was a How To article in last month's Music Tech magazine on how to do this using Cubase's Hitpoints feature.
noisewreck said:
I believe there was a How To article in last month's Music Tech magazine on how to do this using Cubase's Hitpoints feature.
The article was in the August issue of the International/USA edition of Sound on Sound (Volume 20 Issue 10). It's the one that has the Mackie X200 on the cover.
Believe me, you want to bite the bullet and pay for Drumagog. The basic version is about UK£80.00 and once you've used it, you won't believe how seamless and invisible and just so goddamn wonderful it is. Drop it into an insert slot and, er, that's it. Although you might have to fiddle with the "Threshold" setting a little bit.

I'm oftentimes now tempted to record drum tracks by getting the drummer to hit cheap dynamic mics with sticks and just Gog the drums later...

Lazy? Me?

You betcha.