Does Auralex work?

Dr X

New member
Read the big plug for an Auralex kit on the ProRec site; the chap was very impressed but can bits of foam in the corners really do a proper job on bass frequencies?
Yet we have not seen an "acoustic black hole" that will suck unwanted frequencies out of your room, without loosing of a lot of floorspace.
Anything put in a corner will help, but maybe not to the degree you want. In their spec's Auralex measure down to 100Hz which might not be what we mean by lo freq.
Before you do anything, make shure you have identified were your problems are.....

You can build what you need for a lot less money!! Check out the rest of this forum, and John Sayer's site.
I'm well aware of all the learning on John's site and here, there and everywhere....that's why I asked the question really! I'm not debating the cost, I'm wondering about the actual effectiveness of an Auralex type solution. Clearly, if money is no object, a few minutes sticking foam corners in a studio is a lot less pain than building panel traps, side diffisors/absorbers etc. People like Auralex make big claims for performance and the ProRec review is pretty unequivocal in its praise. So the question is: is an Auralex type treatment as effective as the above? (even if it costs a lot more.)