Does anyone recommend this setup?

If you could specify a bit more what you are trying to do in terms of style of music and such, I think it would help us answer you more accurately.

Like, do you have a straight path to your Tascam, without effects, or is there a reason you are going through the pedal prior to recording? If it is for guitar tone, I understand, but it sounds like you should at least have one 'clean' feed in addition to your head effects. If you already do, disregard what I said.

Pre-amps come in two flavors: solid state and tube. There are lots of cheap, noisy tube pres out there promising the world for $100-150 or so.
Don't get swayed by the endless talk about "warmth" when in fact so many of those designs are just very cheaply made. And for heaven's sake, stay away from Behringer in this regard.
One solid state one I would recommend is the DBX 286. It was my first pre-amp. You get a clean pre, and a compressor/limiter that works well for budget recording. And the thing is solidly built, based on DBX' reputation for live sound boxes.
But anyway, chime in and give a bit more info about what you are doing. It'll help in answering what you need.

Im mostly doing acoustic recordings. Take a listen to the first song on my myspace page. Its the only song up on there that i have finished that i have done with my TASCAM.

Anyway, its mostly acoustic recordings with acoustic guitar of course, electric guitar, bass guitar, vocals etc.

I do have a stright path to my TASCAM. for when I just want a clean take. Sometimes its hard to get a good input level though. but it works. thats why i got the mixing head, so i could possibly boost the mic and line volume with it and also have pre EQ. and can also add reverb from the head. but reverb is alot better on my effect processing pedal which you can see here:

It works for reverb, compression, noise gate etc.

Does this help any?

Thanks alot

apparently you have a dp02cf, i was wondering, just because no onw has replied to me, and i was just reading some threads, maybe you can answer my question.
can i take a piece from a track and move it to another song on another partition, or move it to another song if i create one first or something?for guitar tracking, like for riffs...
the manual doesn't quite answer that for me, and i am only reading it online before i buy mine.track edit and like.
what about gigs, its compatible with 8 isn't, how many partitions is that?
what about limitations?
maybe you can enlighten me to this machine.
I have found nothing on the net that says anything good about Behringer. A drum place I have used in the past few months told me he had a contract for selling Behringer equipment and wound up dropping them due to the amount of returns and claims. Also, I used an 8 channel mixer and was very noisy.