does anyone agree with me on this (anyone who is good in recording


New member
to buy a good recorder digital or whatever however better to have ur own rack of effects,compression etc... this way u can use them on any track u want and even play with it however u want
this is better than buying a digital with effects built in ???? i think so i mean this way u can play with it more etc
so is it really better to have ur own outside board of different effects reverb compression etc and use those on ur 4 or 8 track while recording or after or whatever ??
or better to get a digital with everything in it (probably reverb and stuff will not be as when u get a reverb unit alone)
what do u think ?
I THINK his question is,
"Are built in effects/processing or outboard effects/processing better?"

Outboard gear has much better quality, but the cost difference is substancial, so it depends on how much jack you have to burn and on how serious you are about recording and what you want to do with it.

And always use it when mixing and not when tracking, except for compression on some things. This is a whole bunch of threads. Read around the site and make your decision from the pages and pages of info here.

My opinion

Buying an "all in one" digital recorder, with effects and everything, is convenient and relatively inexpensive. But, you are then stuck with whatever effects are included (and they may stink), and may have paid for effects you don't need or want.

Buying effects separately is more expensive, but allows you more flexibility. You can use anyone's effects with anyone's recorder.

The most flexible inexpensive setup, if you can afford it, is to buy a PC and record on that-- then you can use outboard effects while recording (or mixing too with an extra set of D/A conversions) or use software based plugin effects. But then you have to get into thinking of which soundcard to use, will your hardware and software be compatible, etc.

The answer depends on your needs, goals, and budget. If you are just starting out, an all-in-one box may be a great choice-- you can learn all the features, there is a minimum of setup, and you can get going right away. If you're thinking of recroding clients for money, then get a PC for the flexibility and upgradability that you'll need.

Hope this helps!
thanks alot this helps alot
i have a 424mk11 tascam but no effects its ok but i m thinking to buy a digital recorder for better sound quality and stuff then also buy some reverb unit and stuff like that
thanks again
OK…potentially stupid question alert!!!

You mentioned about using outboard effects with a computer. What would the connections for that look like? I have SB live card now using Cakewalk PA9, so I’m assuming it’s not possible now, but I would like to get a Delta 10/10LT someday. How would that work?

If this gets buried here, maybe I'll start a new thread
i have no idea
i have a good song on my 4 track but now i cant do anything to it it sucks i wish i could put it on the computer or something so i can start another one
but im stuck till i buy a tape deck :(:

You set up one or two of the outputs as aux sends and return them through one or two of the input channels. It's pretty easy but the thing you have to watch for is latency, which is an easy fix once you set everything up and have it running.

Hard2Hear said:

You set up one or two of the outputs as aux sends and return them through one or two of the input channels. It's pretty easy but the thing you have to watch for is latency, which is an easy fix once you set everything up and have it running.


Way cool. Muchas Gracias. Now it is making even more sense to get the Delta 10/10 to have plenty of ins & outs to do this kind of cool stuff. :D

Thanks again.