Do you use MAC?


New member
I know a lot of you guys use pcs but how about a Mac Forum for the rest of us?? I think it would be really useful.

I, for one, could do with a place to talk specifically about Mac related issues.

Powers that be...??? What do you think?

I have a mac too. I guess it would be nice but i think there are still ways to find my answers if I really need to. It couldn't hurt though.
mari said:
Mac related issues.

Here's an issue, How come with Protools LE you can run 32 tracks easily on a pc but on a mac you can only run 24 at most? Why is that? Word on the street is that macs smoke PCs.
I am a Mac user for one reason. Digital Performer... and I'll never need another piece of software for the rest of my life.

And for Fenix,

You can run 32 tracks of LE on a Mac now... just thought I'd let you know.


i have a mac G4. it's the heart of my whole studio and i think it's probably the best thing i own... maybe. I LOVE IT... but i just saw a commercial for the Mac G5.... jealousy is kicking in.... suddenly the mac G4 isn't so great.... must have G5... got to have it....
OTBR, the G5 is GREAT!! You must get it. ...And when you do,....I think you should send me your old, outmoded, archaic G4 as a thank you for suggesting the G5 to you ;)

(I'm still working with my old G3, and I'm very happy that the G5 is out. That means I'll finally be able to afford the G4's that nobody's going to want anymore.) BTW I am a college teacher and I've worked with the new G5's and they really are great. Very fast.
Does anyone actually still use a PC by choice?

Macs are expensive so are PCs but you can build a Blazing fast PC for half the cost you could buy one in a store for. There is not such an option for Macs.