Do You Like (Or Hate) Your Voice?

How do you feel about your singing voice?

  • I love my voice!

    Votes: 95 12.4%
  • My voice is o.k., but could be better.

    Votes: 186 24.2%
  • I have mixed feelings about it.

    Votes: 214 27.9%
  • My voice is not so good, but I live with it.

    Votes: 103 13.4%
  • I hate hearing myself on tape. Sometimes I want to quit.

    Votes: 170 22.1%

  • Total voters
Like some of the others here...

My voice SUCKS!! That's why I don't sing (except, when I'm drunk, I kind of sound like Tom Petty...).
He sez "it's cause you're using headphones and you got 'em way too loud.

I have found that tweaking the headphone level often solves some singing performance issues in the studio. Sometimes that meant turn up the backing music, sometimes it meant turning up your voice.

In acoustic and vocal-only songs, I have found its best to ditch the headphones alltogether and record with your ears free - hearing just the actual room sound and your actual voice.
I am a baritone by nature; that's where my voice sits, but my fun, vocally, has always been to hit the high ones.
On a good day, my idea of singing well has always been to nail the falsetto in "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"
or to bring home "Unchained Melody" without hurting anyone....:D
At 48, I appreciate the ability to still have that range. I will never be a pro singer, but it sure is fun just to do it.

.......On a good day, my idea of singing well has always been to nail the falsetto in "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"....

Dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee um bum baway.:eek:
Yes, indeed....;)
It's the note that follows that run that is the tough one, the "wheeeeeeeeee" way up there.

Also, with "Unchained", when it goes "I NEEEEEEHEEHED your love", that's when the dogs in the neighborhood start getting nervous.....

Yes, indeed....;)
It's the note that follows that run that is the tough one, the "wheeeeeeeeee" way up there.

Also, with "Unchained", when it goes "I NEEEEEEHEEHED your love", that's when the dogs in the neighborhood start getting nervous.....


I like listening to myself when I sing for myself :P But when I record I hate it and that's making me a little bit down every time I'm not satisfied with what I recorded. The ideas always seem so bright but when it comes to reality I end up thinking why did I buy myself a microphone...
I really just hope to get better and better. Many times sure my voice sucks. recorded or not, it's equally the same. It's horrible when you know that it sucked at a certain time.
But, getting better means you are better than yesterday, or like me, if you recorded something really crappy lately, know that you can do better.
That's the thing.
Trying for next time.

PS: I got up on a mic today for a rehearsal with strangers (quite decent musicians), didn't care less. That's the good thing. Not being afraid of your voice. It makes it easy. Too easy.
Thanks to you guys so I'm not afraid at all. Advice that you give is pretty useful.
What I am afraid of is not enough volume in the mic/tech problems like that. Worse, sometimes the venues themselves give the perceived bad/good performance.
You get up there and sing as usual, then, 'Man, I can't hear my voice, let's raise it from the pre-chorus instead.' ... That's a mistake. Can't do that. You know in a decent venue it works.
Some venues are no good.

I really hate my guitar playing though. Just can't cut it when there're imprompto unrehearsed unknown songs going on. Aaaaarrrghhhh.
Is there a thread here about hating your instrumental ability?
Trying to learn scales doesn't seem to help either - so many scales what with maj/min pentatonic, dia something or other and countless others ... how do you guys deal with that?
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Usually, I hate my voice, but I realize that it's not exactly going to change overnight, so I mineswell learn to work with it.

Maybe someday I'll be happy with it, but probably no time soon...
I personally like the sound of my voice when it has been mixed by someone else.

If I have mixed it then usually I hate it!
From my limited experience in small time bands, those who love the sound of their voice, usually do not have one. So take heart- if you don't like the sound of your voice and need to be coaxed to pick up the microphone- you may just have a good voice.
Well, I know my pitch is pretty good and I have a reasonable range; for me the issue is expressiveness to match the song. I am plenty emotional, but when I hear my scratch tests, I can feel that there are times where I just don't connect correctly with what the given material wants.
That can be incompatibility, or simply lack of experience in learning to understand a song as a singer (I have never been in a band or any public singing arena, short of Karaoke.)

Ah, well, at least I can hit the notes.....:D

From my limited experience in small time bands, those who love the sound of their voice, usually do not have one. So take heart- if you don't like the sound of your voice and need to be coaxed to pick up the microphone- you may just have a good voice.

Your first sentence is way too general for my liking . . . there are some people who love the sound of their voice and in reality plain suck. But there are others who justifiably love their voice.

But your second sentence is cool. There are many people who are unsure and just need to give it a go to realise their potential.
I listened to some songs that we post on here and sometimes I felt, eeww. Mine, too. But, after a few more posts I listen to different songs by the same authors and realise that I like the voice, because in the particular movement and melody it worked. So, sometimes the melody in the songs was what didn't suit.

And as someone said once it's a shame more of these guys can't get on the radio as there is a lot of talent.
The right production would have many here skimming the charts at some point - regardless of any missing traditionally trained voice.

There's a chap on here who has excellent production skills, apparently with just a meagre set up at home, but while his total voice is not classically trained, it's still quite moving to listen to. On some of his songs the feel is there and it's great.
Unfortunately the voice is quite grating on other tracks.
So one-hit-wonder stuff.
(Even just one hit you'd be in the air. Get the formula and keep aiming for it I guess.)
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If you wanna try and sing but dont really like your voice try using auto tunes to keep practicing until you get better you'll be surprised what it can do for some one who really caint sing:d: