Do U Own a Yamaha PSR510 KYBRD?


New member

I'm trying to get an understanding of some other features of my Yamaha PSR 510, especially, MIDI. In order to further my understanding, I'm going to need the owners manual. I contacted Yamaha Corp. directly, and was told they no longer carry the owners manual. If you have this keyboard, and still retain an owners manual, would you mind selling me a copy of it?

If it would be worth $25.00 to ya, please give me a call.

News fer ya

I have the PDF manual 2.3 meg or you can d/l it here:
click on the manuals selection, wait till page loads, click accept agreement, then choose Electronic Musical Instruments, up top at Category, choose Electronic Keyboards, hit GO and then scroll down to the PSR510, on far right there is the 510 PDF file. And you can save the $25.00 for something else. Peace...ZZWave
Own Yam PSR510 - I Luv U zzwave!


Thank you so very much I could kiss you!!! It's love! It really is love when something you need so bad, knock on that door, and
wow - You were there for me!!!!

I can now move on with my keyboard life!

Chippy (means happiness to me!)
Err....I'll pass on the kiss. Hehe. I'm glad you got the manual. Hope it helps ya find some info on what you were lookin for. Movin on with your music is a good thing ....Peace...ZZWave
Do U Own a Yamaha PSR 510?

Hi ya, zzwave!

Thanks for all your help again. To get supportive help, which could have never been possible without cyberspace, is like a miracle for me. You were very kind to do that for me.

I did find the PSR510 manual at the website you referred. Funny, that Yamaha, when I contacted them, told me it wasn't available, and then, the site (I think was Yamaha), had the manual.

Wow, is that manual complicated. I'm trying to learn if my song (recorded in the keyboard on five tracks), can be dumped into the page memory or the bulk memory, so I can move on recording my next song in the keyboard? I briefly read, and right now, I've concluded it's not possible. However, in that, I didn't fully review the page and bulk memory features, I've got to review again.

Thanks for all your help zzwave! I couldn't of had this help without you.

That's cool, ZZ.
That's what the net is all about, or was before it went commercial. The sharing of infomation.

Good man. or Woman. What ever ya may be.