Do they make what Im looking for?


New member
Hey Everyone,

Im in the process of recording drums onto my Protools LE 5.3.1 setup. The nicest mic i have to stick in my kick is a sm 58. it doesnt sound bad, however, its not the sound im really looking for.

Do they make a patch (if thats the right term) that is a sampled sound of a bass drum? Like something that you could apply to the track like you would apply reverb?

I guess im looking for a sampled kick drum sound to trigger when I play my real bass drum.

Thanks in advance!
Try taking the screen off that 58 and put it inside the drum about 2-3" from the batter head about halfway between where the beater hits the head and the shell.
Re: yes they do

christiaan said:
This is exactly what you're looking for:
And I have a lot of drum samples on my server at

Wow! That sounds like an amazing product. So what I understand is that all you have to do is record your drums like normal and then run it thorugh that software and it will replace it with samples? Does this work well and is it reliable? Do the drums sound good or do they sound fabricated? Does it interface well with Sonar 2.0 xl?
