Do these drums sound like they are tuned ok?


New member
Sort of a newbie drummer and was wondering if these drums were tuned ok.

The recording was done with one Apex 435 (cheapy condensor mic) so hopfully its not to bad.

the drum kit isnt an expensive kit either however its a good starter kit for now however i did replace highhat and cymbol with some decent ones.

I just retuned my snare to try and get a better recording sound...only things Im using for damping/muffling is moongel now.

One thing i notiuce is the rattle of my new snare wires...Im wondering if I need to fix them somehow...I use the adjustment for snare to get the best sound but it still seems to rattle a bit.

Foot pedal squeaks as well...need a new one

Thanks for any help
It don't sound bad .... don't sound real good either, but hey.
I mean, for 1 mic, you can't expect a whole lot.

Your tuning sounds fine though.
Personally, I'd pry crank up the snare's tunning a bit. Go a little higher on the bottom head than the top. Again, personal preference ... sound is subjective.

And, don't beat yourself up trying to chase down sympathetic buzz of the snare wires. That sh!t happens ... it's normal. Playing around with tuning/dampening can help minimize it.

Have fun with it!
Ok thanks

Yeah its not the best sounding recording...hard to get a decent listen when the quality isnt there.

Im glad they dont sound bad anyway...not great however its a start.

I think I may try tuning the bottom head a bit higher (like you mentioned) and perhaps experiment with some damping on the bottom head.

Well, I don't know about dampening the resonant head ... nothin' written in stone.

I was referring to the kit as a whole or whichever drum/drums cause sympathetic buzz.