Do I use a mixer for this??


New member
Hi. I have a small, very budget home studio. I have an M-Audio Audiophile 2496, an M-Audio Audio Buddy mic pre, my stereo, a pair of headphones and plan to get some monitors in the near future.

What I want to know is if a small mixer will allow me to beable to switch between the headphones, my stereo and my monitors, and if I should pass my mic pre through it as well. I am looking at the Berhinger UB802 mixer that can be had for $50. Is this a good mixer for this? seeing that all signals for recording, mixing and possibly mastering will be sent through this little puppy?

Or do you recommend something else entirely. I was considering an 'audiophile' headphone amp to be used, so that I can do my mixes with headphones (not much of a choice as I share a home and if I burn the midnight oil, monitors are out of the question, until the evening time or if everybodyelse goes out. I plan to get the HD280 pros by the way). Is the headphone amp in a mixer like this upto the calibre of an 'audiophile' headphone amplifier? And if you think the headphone amp would be better, how do you recommend connectivity?

My thoughts are mic -> pre -> mixer -> 2496 analog out -> mixer -> monitor/ stereo and in addition, 2496 digital out -> SuperDAC2496 -> Headphone amplifier.

is this feasible or are there other, better ways?

the Behringer HA4700 has four stereo outs that you can route to an amp then passive monitors OR route to active monitors. It's a very easy solution to the problem and it'll save you the $$$ on a mixer which wouldn't give you three or four outs that are identical.

I have one and though I don't use three different monitoring setups, I do use four sets of phones every now and again. Sounds transparent at decent volumes. Give it a look.
