Do i really need all this ??

Christ, the guy listed the 3 bits of software he has. And one of them is Audacity...

Don't assume that everyone buys their gear in the order you think they should. It bought all my software before I got a decent soundcard, and made do with the piece of crap I had for while until I could raise the money for a decent card, because it still enabled me to record. If I had bought a soundcard and no software, I still wouldn't have had anything to record with.

Surely someone else here could have figured that out?
Minion said:
It is NOT YOUR FUCKING JOB to Bust Pirates or your place to even make a Moral judgment, If you are So against Software Pirates then go to his House and Beat the shit out of him, Or maybe become a Software Cop or actually "DO Something" to stop it....

I think you guys have your Priorities a Bit screwed up....There are Much more serious Crimes in this world and on the Internet and probably by poeple who use this forum than someone useing a cracked piece of software that he wouldn"t have bought in the First place...

Why don"t you go after the creeps who pander Kiddie porn on the net or the Internet scam artists???
Or go and grab jaywalkers and poeple who litter and hold them for a citizens arrest??


I"ll tell you why, because it is not your job or place to do so, we have cops and Judges who do that and make those determinations...If it was left up to assholes like you and Me this would be one seriously screwed up world, Not that it isn"t allready a screwed up world.....

You are also make assumptions that this person is useing cracked software with absolutly no physical or even circumstantial evidence accept that he has software and no interface... Maybe he just has the demo versions, or maybe he bought a bunch of old versions at the flea market or maybe it is none of your fucking business!! And if you really think it is your business then go Do something about it besides spouting off and trying to ruin this persons reputation on this forum because you feel you have the Moral authority to tarnish this persons reputation without a hint of real evidence is not what I would call a very moral thing to do....

And no i don"t use cracked recording software as I don"t need to as it came free with my Interface and it is none of your business even if I was useing cracked software the same way it is none of your business if I am an drug addict or a Tax evader or jay walker or steal bread to feed my family.....

This is "" Not "Watch what you say or you will be ostrocized and judged as evil without any evidence even though it is none of our"....

Let the flameing begin..... :)

Did I hurt your little pirate feelings??? Awwww, you poor baby, I hurt your feewings, poor little guy. Hold on, let me scrape some nut cheese off here so you can enjoy it with your whine.
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legionserial said:
Christ, the guy listed the 3 bits of software he has. And one of them is Audacity...

Don't assume that everyone buys their gear in the order you think they should. It bought all my software before I got a decent soundcard, and made do with the piece of crap I had for while until I could raise the money for a decent card, because it still enabled me to record. If I had bought a soundcard and no software, I still wouldn't have had anything to record with.

Surely someone else here could have figured that out?

Nobody was jumping down the guys throat so settle down. I even mentioned several time that there is free stuff that is kick ass. Nobody was yelling at the guy or anything. Its just when you claim you have "tons of multi-track software" it makes you think, why would he need that much multi-track software.
jonnyc said:
Its just when you claim you have "tons of multi-track software" it makes you think, why would he need that much multi-track software.

My point is that he listed the software he had, and it was like 3 items of software, one of them freeware. I consider me having Cubase and Live 5 as having tonnes of software. More than I need anyway. Not to mention the bundled stuf that came with the hardware I bought.

And I see a lot of posts these days that assume that just because someone doesn't have a decent audio card, that they must have pirated their software. I was just saying thats a bit of a daft notion, thats all. That was kind broadly directed at those who make such far out assumptions.

And for the record, I think piracy sucks, and I ain't defending it.

It just seems these days that there are too many cases of people coming on here for help and getting accusations based on very little information instead.

I mean, if someones like "I downloaded Nuendo and I don't know how to use it", then yeah, fair enough, thats completely blatant. But seriously, can't people cut out the amateur sleuth work? Leave the detective work to real detectives....

Its almost as bad as someone surmising that my car's blue because they heard that it isn't pink.
legionserial said:
My point is that he listed the software he had, and it was like 3 items of software, one of them freeware. I consider me having Cubase and Live 5 as having tonnes of software. More than I need anyway. Not to mention the bundled stuf that came with the hardware I bought.

And I see a lot of posts these days that assume that just because someone doesn't have a decent audio card, that they must have pirated their software. I was just saying thats a bit of a daft notion, thats all. That was kind broadly directed at those who make such far out assumptions.

And for the record, I think piracy sucks, and I ain't defending it.

It just seems these days that there are too many cases of people coming on here for help and getting accusations based on very little information instead.

I mean, if someones like "I downloaded Nuendo and I don't know how to use it", then yeah, fair enough, thats completely blatant. But seriously, can't people cut out the amateur sleuth work? Leave the detective work to real detectives....

Its almost as bad as someone surmising that my car's blue because they heard that it isn't pink.

Not a great analogy but I get your point. And actually I don't really see people getting called out all that often, I haven't done it myself in quite a while. Maybe we overreacted, but some of you definately overreacted toward the accusers.