Do I need to upgrade from Cubase VST/32?


New member
Not sure if this is actually the right forum for this question, but:

I am currently still using Cubase VST/32 5.1r1 for everything I record. It is an upgrade for Cubase VST/32 5.0 that was availble from the Steinberg site and gave me all the plugins and some functions that came out with SX.

I have been concentrating on upgrading hardware like mics, pre's, etc. up untill now and I'm pretty satisfied with the results I'm getting. I use a lot of different VST plugins and I find my DAW-setup that I've got going at the moment very functional and pretty easy to use.

Would there be any real benefit SOUND-WISE to upgrade to a newer version of Cubase? And if so, what are those benefits? With software like Reaper getting such great reviews I might actually just go with that instead of paying 100's of $$$ for the new version of Cubase if I need to upgrade.

BUT I don't really want to change anything because of how well I know my current setup. I would only seriously consider it if there is something significant I can gain from it in terms of sound quality.