Do I need a preamp?


Dis Member
Simple question, I have an MXLV67G going into an M-Audio Firewire Solo. Would I improve my recording quality a lot by putting a pre-amp infront of it? And what preamp?
This unit has a preamp built in.

I don't know if it's good or bad, but if you were to buy another preamp, you'd run it into the line input socket.

To answer the question, you don't need a preamp; you've already got one.
It was more the quality of built in preamp that I was concerned about, just wondered if it was much cop, compared to an external one.

So more of a question of whether it would improve the sound quality, rather then the need for one.
I use the built in preamps - depends on if your are happy with your recordings! What mic are you using? Are you having specific issues with your recording? I personally think that the mic is much more critical than the pre - but then again I am not really an expert in such matters. :eek:
I use the built in preamps - depends on if your are happy with your recordings! What mic are you using? Are you having specific issues with your recording? I personally think that the mic is much more critical than the pre - but then again I am not really an expert in such matters. :eek:

A good pre can make a crappy mic sound better, but a crappy pre can make a good mic sound like shit.