Do I need a mixer? How bout an amp?


New member
Great community here. Just getting started in recording, and have been scowering the newbie column for a couple days now. Just a couple quick questions -

Are there any benefits to having a mixer if I’m not going to be doing simultaneous instrument recordings? It'll be just me, one instrument at a time. I think I know what a mixer does, but you know, I could be wrong. I figure the only thing that I could use the mixer for is if it had a built in mic amp?

Also, I currently have a DI-box in-between my electric guitar and my unbalanced input (x-fi plat. I know, I know.) I've been considering purchasing a combo amp for travel - would it be better to use the combo instead of the DI-box, or really no difference?

Thanks for helping the new guy.
You really don't need a mixer if you're doing it one track at a time, as I do with the demos I bring to my band, before we re-record them as a band. Lose the D.I. Get a good amp with good tone, mic it with a Shure SM57 and you're good to go. Feel free to use this sites private message feature if you have any questions.

OceanView Studios
Ft. Lauderdale USA
an SM57 on a good amp works pretty well, 2 SM57s on a good amp is even better. If you are mixing "in the box" and don't need more than 2 preamps, leave the mixer out of it. Get a good two channel preamp, couple decent mics and you're good to go. Of course it all depends on what you're planning to record too.
Awesome, thanks for the info.

On a not-so-related note, I've also got a SPDIF input/out, an RCA L/R, and a digital input/out on the soundcard which I'm not utilizing. In the future, is there anything I should look for to make use of these extras? I feel like i'm wasting them or something :g:
If you are doing just one track at a time, you don't need a mixer.

As for your other outputs (SPDIF etc): don't sweat too much on them for the time being. As you become more fluent in recording and with your system, you will discover a need for extending and making use of these.
Something that kinda helped me out along the way. Learning wise, was going to and checking out the spec sheets and user manuals on various pieces of equipment. Most of which I couldn't afford at the time, but it gave great insight on what does what, etc. Couple that with some of the tutorial type links dished out daily around here and the guys and gals around here helping out and we have us a virtually endless supply of knowledge. Love it! :D